The audiovisual work was created for Scholastica's presentation at the Designblok 2021 design festival in Prague.
Scholastica showcased the products of five students in their designated room, all of which were available for purchase. Simultaneously, the exhibition aimed to demonstrate the work produced at Scholastika, what students can learn there, and the creative possibilities it offers. Since there were no descriptions accompanying the pieces, we decided to produce a video introducing the products and the artists behind them. This approach allowed viewers to gain a deeper understanding of the creative process, the materials used, and the inspirations that led the authors to their designs. Additionally, by featuring the voices of the artists, we aimed to create a more intimate connection between the audience and both the creators and their products. In the video, the products are presented in a virtual, undefined space, showcasing them from various perspectives.
This project was created in collaboration with my friends Kamil and Anton.​​​​​​​

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